
Using SPRibbon in SharePoint 2013 HTML Master Pages

19 Feb , 2014  

SharePoint 2013 Ribbon

In SharePoint 2013 Microsoft released HTML master page functionality. The default out of the box minimal master page makes use of PublishingRibbon, which is far less flexible than SPRibbon. It is not intuitive on how to replace the Ribbon in an HTML master page since SharePoint tries to add it automatically, but there is a trick.


How to Override and Set the Correlation Id of a SharePoint Request

11 Feb , 2013  

In SharePoint it is easy to get lost in the huge amount of logging. Correlation Id can help in many situations, but when you have a complex Ajax requests in addition to a page request, you have lots of correlation Ids that should be related. By setting the correlation Id, you can make it easier to read your logs.


The Worst Trend Ever: Technical Video Tutorials

21 Jan , 2013  

Videos are the absolute worst medium for presenting technical information like programming or other computer related technology. If I have to look at another video where you watch a programmer programming on a screen to teach you how to do something, I am going to go insane. Use your writing skills people!


SharePoint 2010 KPI Web Part ListURL Weirdness

14 Jan , 2013  

The SharePoint 2010 KPI Web Part can be instantiated in code, despite the limited documentation, however beware of a little nasty issue with trying to set the ListURL in code as you instantiate or edit the web part. SharePoint can do some weird things when dealing with this property that don’t make any sense, but getting around it is quite easy once you know what it is doing.


AD FS 2.0 Service Communication Certificate Lost

28 Nov , 2012  

How to address a problem with Active Directory Federation Services 2.0 (AD FS 2.0) loses its Service Communication certificate, which can happen if the certificate is deleted from the computer store without first removing it from the AD FS 2.0 Management console.


Windows Vista – Doing a Clean Install with an Upgrade Version

18 Jun , 2007  

There is a workaround for the silly way in which Vista checks to make sure that you are actually upgrading a previous version of Windows. I wrote about this previously, where I actually had to install Windows XP to use … Continued


Vista Tips – Customizing the Send To Command

9 Jun , 2007  

Alright, I went to add notepad and wordpad to my Send To folder like I always have for each of the previous operating systems. Thanks to the “simplified” (and admittedly cleaner) users folder and the disappearance of settings, I could … Continued


Windows Vista 64 Bit Downgrade to 32 Bit Woes

7 Jun , 2007  

An alternate title for this post could be “How I managed to memorize my Vista key in one day.” In previous versions of Windows when you purchased the Upgrade version of the new operating system you could always just insert … Continued