
Frodo in HBO: Rome

19 Sep , 2005  

As I am sure you can tell, I am a big fan of HBO’s new series Rome. It is an incredible show with a great story and even greater atmosphere. However, since the first episode there has been one thing that has bothered me. Everytime I see Octavia I think she looks exactly like Elijah Wood and it just makes me think Frodo Baggins.

Lets examine here, some quick pictoral evidence. I might be able to get a more convincing comparison if I say took a shot from the DVD of Frodo when he was pale white and when Octavia was pale white in that episode. But since I am very lazy, I just took a quick screen cap of Rome and searched Google for pictures of Frodo.

Frodo Baggins played by Elijah Wood Octavia played by Kerry Condon

Can you see the similarities? I sure can, I am sure someone else has noticed this! Next time you watch you just be thinking Frodo. It will change the whole experience.

Lord of the Rings, Frodo, Elijah Wood, Rome, Kerry Condon

3 responses to “Frodo in HBO: Rome”

  1. Dan says:

    she doesn’t look like Elijah Wood
    kerry is cute and beautiful and above this a great actress.

  2. StranGe says:

    Kerry Condon rules !!!!!!!!

  3. Tony Yu says:

    You guy is smart, they’re alike.

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